In his book, St. Paul and the Star, Milan
Bojankov provides a striking illustration of how faith can be persevered in the midst of confusion. On the surface, St. Paul and the Star presents two very different portraits of the same man. The first depicts a cantankerous and rather self-consumed figure, full of self-pity, sarcasm, and bitterness. The second portrait, painted by a more tender and spiritual figure, shows a man not at all concerned with his fate, but rather focused on divine values and his quest for meaning. This book is both fascinating and enlivening. Bojankov peppers his work with reflections on religion, love, and desire and produces a fresh and innovative reading experience.
When I read St. Paul and the Star, I was taken with interest to how the themes of the book constantly repeated itself, almost like a mantra. The writer creates a kind of hypnotic trance in which one is subject to the internal work of God, as Bojankov describes it. The figure of St. Paul is more complex than simple, a victim of his own weaknesses. But this saintly figure eventually transforms himself into a “man of faith,” able to overcome temptation and resist the temptations of the devil.
While at first glance the book seems to be a simple story about two contrasting characters, the book's depth becomes clear upon further examination. St. Paul reacts to his situation against his better judgment, and the reader comes to believe that he was right in his beliefs. The devil, who represents the physical world, is denied his power over the life of men, and yet we know that the devil is present in human affairs. In the end, it is our faith that succumbs to the temptations of the devil, but this does not mean that our understanding of this powerful creature should be discounted altogether.
Throughout the book, the author presents an outstanding set of illustrations that illuminate the characters and situations surrounding St. Paul. Most illustrations illustrate scenes from the life of St. Paul. However, some others present scenes from the life of the archangel Gabriel. These angels are presented as mischievous agents of the devil. In addition, the illustrative book ends with an appropriate psalm for all mankind, proclaiming that judgment is coming, but that God's love triumphs.
In The Book of Two Angels, Bojankov uses Eastern religious imagery to present the idea of man as a double being, created in the image of God. He says that we share two natures, which are god and human. Man is a part of God, and in the book he shows how this fact contributes to the spiritual nature of man. Man's double nature is thus a key factor in understanding the teaching of the book. Eastern religious art has long expressed ideas of the creation of both a human soul and the spirit, both of which are eternal. According to Bojankov, the book teaches that, at the end of time, the soul will separate itself from the body to join the spirit.
A common thread throughout the book is the theme of light. At the start of the book, when God creates light, it is referred to as “light beheld.” Later, when man is punished for his sins, he is told that he will only be rewarded with more light. Throughout the book, Bojankov repeatedly emphasizes that the secret of light is the ability to step into the light by which we can enter into the presence of God.
While most artists create beautiful works of spirituality, few have the vision and creativity that Bojankov possesses. He creates imagery that inspires deep spiritual responses. The illustrations include simple drawings interwoven with text, and complex paintings that depict the painterly quality of Eastern religious artwork. The book's many illustrations serve to emphasize how the light of spiritual awareness can illuminate our lives. As the illustrations present increasingly complex scenes, and the book reaches its climax in the final chapter, the reader realizes that the meaning of each individual illustration carries significant import.
Bojankov's greatest strength is that he is able to present so simple a message that its message resonates with all who have read it. Eastern spiritual traditions are rich with symbols that help people understand the nature of life, and the book reminds us how easy it is to get caught up in the trappings of ritual. In his message, Bojankov encourages people not to look for meaning in ritual, but rather to look for meaning in everyday life. Once you grasp this concept, you'll be able to use ritual to enrich your life and make it a true blessing.
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