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Five Great Lessons You Can Learn From Oil Conservation Towards Healthy And Better Environment Pictures

The global community is concerned about the alarming trend of depletion of petroleum resources and the need for oil conservation towards healthy environment and economy. Thus, this article presents some of the basic pros and cons of utilizing oil in electricity or fuel production and other alternatives and solutions for oil conservation towards better and healthy environment. It also lists the benefits of oil use and potential threat if oil becomes scarce. Alternative fuels are being touted as the answer to the oil crisis but what exactly do these options offer? What are their pros and cons?

To understand the solution to the current oil shortage, one should be aware of its advantages and disadvantages. Let us begin with one day oil supply, which is an emergency supply, when demand exceeds supply. Let us compare the two:

Five Great Lessons You Can Learn From Oil Conservation Towards Healthy And Better Environment Pictures

There is a large portion of world's oil resources owned by just a handful of global oil companies. These companies are the major drivers of climate change, environmental degradation and all the problems that are associated with the overuse of fossil fuels. They have refused to look at alternative sources of energy to conserve dwindling oil supplies. In fact, they continue to pump millions of tons of oil into the ground daily, hoping that someday, oil will again be found in massive quantities to save the day.

Oil companies should look beyond their selfish motivations, and think about the future generations of their consumers and the world itself. They should invest in sustainable development and create alternative energy and fuel sources for their operations. These companies can help set up green jobs in developing countries and contribute to the solution towards global warming. By investing in sustainable development, these companies can actually contribute to the solution of reducing carbon emissions and global warming.

Alternative fuel technologies are the answer to our future problems with oil use. The best of these technologies however cannot be implemented without the use of oil. Hydrogen fuel technology, for example, has the potential to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly. It also has the potential to eliminate oil use completely. This is why many oil companies have invested in research for the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

The second step towards healthy environment is decreasing oil imports. As per the latest reports, the use of oil from the United States is now the largest contributor to the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Reducing U.S. dependence on oil will help decrease the amounts of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. It will also help to solve the problem of global warming. Some have also argued that reducing oil imports will prevent the United States from becoming an oil exporter. However, this argument has been disputed by many oil exporting nations who feel that it would be detrimental for the United States to become a exporter of oil.

The third step towards achieving oil conservation towards healthy and cleaner environment is encouraging alternative fuel usage. The development of fuel alternatives such as biodiesel and cellulosic ethanol can dramatically reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Biofuels can be used for powering vehicles and homes. The government has also offered tax rebates and incentives for the use of biofuels. The fourth step towards oil conservation is improved vehicle efficiency. Modern vehicles are designed to consume less fuel and to provide more passenger comfort.

The fifth and most important step for oil conservation towards healthy environment is reducing the amount of gas and oil that we currently use. We can only reach this target if governments and private industries put in place measures to monitor and control the production of gas and oil. For example, carbon dioxide emissions should be monitored closely to reduce global warming. If we continue to use fossil fuels, the coming generations will face many problems relating to energy shortages and climate change.