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7 Easy Ways To Facilitate Oil Conservation Towards Healthy And Better Environment Drawing Picture

Oils are a major source of global warming because they are the leading cause of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. For this reason, efforts to save oil should encompass a multi-pronged approach including efforts at both individual levels and at the community, governmental and international levels. At this symposium, top officials from various sectors will present and share views on ways in which the oil industry can contribute to the fight against global warming.

The first area of oil conservation towards healthy air is the use of one day light bulbs. These provide up to a five percent reduction in energy use compared to regular lights. One day light bulbs also last up to twenty years, compared to the average life of fifteen to twenty years for standard incandescent bulbs. Replacing them with low voltage LED light bulbs will help cut energy usage.

Oil Conservation Towards Healthy And Better Environment Drawing Picture

Measures taken to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses being released into the atmosphere include the reduction of fuel consumption. A second area of effort involves reducing the amount of oil imported into the world. In July, 2007, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) set a limit on the amount of oil each member country could import. For many of these countries this has meant a decline in consumption. The countries that have implemented these limits have seen their stocks of crude oil go down over a period of time, while others continue to increase.

Efforts to conserve oil resources also include encouraging the production of biofuel. Biofuels allow a greater volume of fuel to be used in cars and trucks, helping to cut down on the overall amount of petroleum needed to fuel our vehicles. Efforts at creating more plentiful biofuel sources, such as corn based ethanol and wheat is also helping. It is estimated that creating one million new jobs related to the creation of corn based ethanol by 2015, could prevent further declines in the amount of oil needed to fuel our cars. These jobs would create a significant increase in revenue for corn producers, helping to reverse some of the negative effects of what has occurred in recent years with the depleting of the U.S. oil supply.

Another area of focus is the use of biodiesel in diesel motor fuels. Biodiesel is made from soybeans and can be used as a replacement for petroleum in our vehicles. Like other alternatives to petroleum based fuel, biodiesel does not contribute to the depletion of the oil in our reservoir, nor does it contribute to the atmospheric pollution caused by other types of fossil fuels. Biodiesel is believed to improve our nation's leadership in the field of environmental responsibility, as it would reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

Various types of alternative fuels have also become popular in recent years. These types of technologies include ethanol powered vehicles, clean coal technology, and future types of automobiles that do not burn gasoline, but instead run on alternative fuel sources such as biodiesel or electricity produced through some type of renewable energy source. As many of these technologies gain further popularity, oil conservation towards healthy and cleaner environments will likely need to be taken into consideration.

The best way to start looking at alternative fuels is to look at them in their most basic form – those that cannot be renewed. Biofuels are created from organic materials, typically plants or vegetation that have already been grown in a natural way. These plants are harvested to be used in the production of ethanol or other diesel motor fuel, and can easily be replenished as they grow. While this may seem like a setback for oil conservation, the fact is that as long as the biofuel remains in its natural state, it will be able to replace some of the oil that we currently use.

An even better alternative for oil conservation is to utilize the power of the oceans. Ocean hydrothermal venting can provide large amounts of oxygen, allowing plants to absorb carbon dioxide from the air, as well as allowing certain types of algae to photosynthesize and create fuel for use in diesel engines. This process is not ideal for all regions and can require that certain areas be monitor closely to keep up with the proper conditions. However, it is a better environment for the marine life that will be able to live in it than our land systems currently allow.