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Oil Conservation Healthy Environment Easy Drawing

Many in the auto and oil industry feel that it's high time that we took a close look at oil conservation. After all, if we continue to burn up our planet's non-renewable resources at such a rapid rate, what do we tell the future generations who will follow us? If we don't start taking steps to reduce the emissions we release into the atmosphere, what do we tell our children who will follow? The truth is that it's more important now than ever before that we all pay attention to oil conservation.

Oil conservation has been known within the industry as a “non-issue”. There's no talk of reducing the amount of oil used in our vehicles, or of taxing the motorist who drives a hybrid. And when someone does suggest the need for some form of regulation or price increase, it's generally brushed off with a “no comment”. With politicians passing laws to protect land from development, or environmental impact, oil companies are happy to let them pass without any consequences.

But, I would submit to you that the status quo is not healthy. In fact, it's dangerous. The rate at which oil is being burned to provide energy for our vehicles is quickly depleting the already limited supplies of oil on the planet. This means that someday, we won't be able to keep up with the demand. That means higher prices for gas and oil products, higher royalty payments for those who extract oil from the earth, and ultimately, an inability to deliver oil on time.

It's a lot simpler to look at oil conservation from a financial standpoint. Simply put, the cost of using oil goes up as the barrel prices go up. When you drive a car, you use oil, whether or not you realize it. Even if you use a compression driver to power your motorcycle, you use oil. In the long run, the extra expense of oil conservation saves money in the long run.

Another advantage to saving oil is the reduction in pollution caused by vehicles. Each gallon of fuel that you burn produces at least one ton of carbon dioxide and, depending on the temperature of the atmosphere, nitrogen oxide. Those emissions add to the air pollution problem that the Earth is facing. Therefore, the more fuel you use, the more pollutants you emit into the air.

It may seem like a daunting task to conserve oil. After all, who has the time to do it? Well, you don't have to. Automakers and truck manufacturers are making changes to their vehicles to make them more fuel efficient. For example, they are trying to equip SUVs with vacuum fuel cells to save even more fuel. You can also use anti-theft systems, automatic seatbelts, and other technologies to conserve energy.

Yes, it's time to get serious about oil conservation. Not only can it save you money, but it can also help protect the planet. That's not even taking into account the health benefits of reducing oil use. With pollution levels rising, and our resources dwindling, it's more important than ever for everyone to learn how to drive safer, and be greener.

If you're not already doing it, now is the time to start. With gasoline prices on the rise, and global warming threatening us more than we've seen in years, now is the time to take action. Go online or head to your local library to find out what you can do to reduce your car's fuel consumption. There are also many useful resources available at your local oil conservation center. Find out what steps you can take to help lower your monthly expenses and improve your country's ability to conserve oil.

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