This Story Behind Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr Will Haunt You Forever!
Just days before Valentine's Day, I was perusing Tumblr for a random search. There was a post that struck me as personal and not particularly interesting. It was written by Bastian Schweinsteiger, who goes by the nameebooker on the dating service. In the post, Schweinsteiger expresses his disappointment with modern marriage: “Till we can pick and choose every facet of our relationship, there is still no guarantee that we will ever find the love of our dreams or even a long lasting partner who will truly adore us to the point of devotion. I can say this with complete certainty: The idealistic view of marriage that I hold today is nowhere close to the reality of what I experienced in my own personal interactions with my wife and friends.”
This all-embracing stance is an extreme departure from the romantic, all-embracing tone of most of his posts. In fact, I'd wager that most of his posts on his Tumblr are devoted to complaining about or criticizing others, and that the only place he seems to be able to find true romance is in long, sad-sounding diaries that detail his “search for the perfect partner.” In one post, he waxes nostalgic about meeting “a wonderful girl in a club” whom he describes as his “soul mate.” On another day, he complains that he has “no one to share my deepest thoughts and feelings with.” And then, finally, there is the matter of his failed attempt to propose to his girlfriend of last year, a disappointment that obviously ate away at him because of his belief that women are incapable of being truly romantic.
When I read these statements, I had to actually ask myself: How did Bastian Schweinsteiger fail to propose to his girlfriend? It struck me as bizarre that a guy who described himself as an “avant-garde minimalist” would be comfortable posting pictures of his dorky bike, and making numerous references to the aesthetic pleasures of “old civilization” without any sense of irony. To be sure, he is quite innocent of the implications of his rhetoric, but then again, his whole ethos is so unswerving. For someone who presents himself as an icon of the avant-garde, this self-parodying is a little too much of a stretch. But then again, is there really any wonder that people are taking him to task?
The answer, it seems, is that it doesn't matter what kind of communique you have with Bastian Schweinsteiger. In a way, everything seems possible. He is always aloof; he is always impeccably dressed; he always seems to be in some sort of meditative state. Everything about him and his every day life seems designed to make him appear timeless and utterly original. When you actually sit down and examine everything that Bastian Schweinsteiger has released over the last few years, it becomes apparent that everything that he has ever put out is wholly original, even if every one of them is slightly different than the last.
It might seem like a lot to be sifting through all of his material over the last several years, but it seems that every little thing that he releases has been conceived, created, or co-produced by his longtime, and now favorite muse, Lauren Bacall. Yes, Lauren Bacall is the original and sole visionary of Bastian Schweinsteiger's concepts, the same way that Elvis Presley was the original and sole muse of the Blue Moon Band. The difference is that Elvis Presley was a ragged cowboy in today's world, while Schweinsteiger is the original and sole visionary of the austere, dreary, and infinitely patient Bastian Schweinsteiger. (And even though Bacall is pretty much better known for her work with other artists, Schweinsteiger has managed to be equally famous and beloved among his peers.)
There are a couple of main points and themes that run throughout all of Schweinsteiger's recent projects, and the biggest of them is the rich tapestry of fantasy that pervades much of his work. In the final analysis, there is no doubt that The Nameless City is a superb achievement, but it also stands far beyond the medium of pop music. It is in the tradition of classic epic fantasy, and it would be an irony if someone were to try and compare The Nameless City to J.R.R.T. by Arthur C Clarke.
When we are talking about artists that are more in line with the Pop Art movement of the early nineteen eighties, it is not really too much of a stretch to make the case that The Nameless City should be considered as one of the very best works of the late nineteen eighties. But despite that accolade, the very best aspect of The Nameless City is the way that Bastian Schweinsteiger executes his vision through images. From the bland, almost clinical nature of the art to the highly charged, almost celebratory nature of the imagery, the work exudes the vibrancy that is so often lacking in so many of the more mainstream works from this era. The Nameless City is a work that is inimitably its own creature, and while at first glance it might appear to be nothing more than schlocky gonzo, it is in fact so much more than that. It is a truly fantastic achievement, and one that everyone who sees it should enjoy.
All things considered, The Nameless City by Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr user should be considered essential viewing for all people who want to understand how the mind of Robert Rauschenberg reaches such perfectly muddled and dense images. It is also one of the better things that any person should ever do, because once you have sat down with The Nameless City, you will have closed your eyes and you will see all of the colors and every detail that is outlined in this masterpiece. There is something so genuinely comforting about this piece that even years later, when the sight of it still makes you smile, you will feel as though you have done something profound and worthwhile, even if you haven't quite put it into words. For anyone who doesn't have a thing for art, but enjoys good literature or the visual arts, then The Nameless City by Bastian Schweinsteiger is a must-see. For those who love them and want to explore their imaginations, it is as close as any bookstore or internet cafe.
This all-embracing stance is an extreme departure from the romantic, all-embracing tone of most of his posts. In fact, I'd wager that most of his posts on his Tumblr are devoted to complaining about or criticizing others, and that the only place he seems to be able to find true romance is in long, sad-sounding diaries that detail his “search for the perfect partner.” In one post, he waxes nostalgic about meeting “a wonderful girl in a club” whom he describes as his “soul mate.” On another day, he complains that he has “no one to share my deepest thoughts and feelings with.” And then, finally, there is the matter of his failed attempt to propose to his girlfriend of last year, a disappointment that obviously ate away at him because of his belief that women are incapable of being truly romantic.
When I read these statements, I had to actually ask myself: How did Bastian Schweinsteiger fail to propose to his girlfriend? It struck me as bizarre that a guy who described himself as an “avant-garde minimalist” would be comfortable posting pictures of his dorky bike, and making numerous references to the aesthetic pleasures of “old civilization” without any sense of irony. To be sure, he is quite innocent of the implications of his rhetoric, but then again, his whole ethos is so unswerving. For someone who presents himself as an icon of the avant-garde, this self-parodying is a little too much of a stretch. But then again, is there really any wonder that people are taking him to task?
The answer, it seems, is that it doesn't matter what kind of communique you have with Bastian Schweinsteiger. In a way, everything seems possible. He is always aloof; he is always impeccably dressed; he always seems to be in some sort of meditative state. Everything about him and his every day life seems designed to make him appear timeless and utterly original. When you actually sit down and examine everything that Bastian Schweinsteiger has released over the last few years, it becomes apparent that everything that he has ever put out is wholly original, even if every one of them is slightly different than the last.
It might seem like a lot to be sifting through all of his material over the last several years, but it seems that every little thing that he releases has been conceived, created, or co-produced by his longtime, and now favorite muse, Lauren Bacall. Yes, Lauren Bacall is the original and sole visionary of Bastian Schweinsteiger's concepts, the same way that Elvis Presley was the original and sole muse of the Blue Moon Band. The difference is that Elvis Presley was a ragged cowboy in today's world, while Schweinsteiger is the original and sole visionary of the austere, dreary, and infinitely patient Bastian Schweinsteiger. (And even though Bacall is pretty much better known for her work with other artists, Schweinsteiger has managed to be equally famous and beloved among his peers.)
There are a couple of main points and themes that run throughout all of Schweinsteiger's recent projects, and the biggest of them is the rich tapestry of fantasy that pervades much of his work. In the final analysis, there is no doubt that The Nameless City is a superb achievement, but it also stands far beyond the medium of pop music. It is in the tradition of classic epic fantasy, and it would be an irony if someone were to try and compare The Nameless City to J.R.R.T. by Arthur C Clarke.
When we are talking about artists that are more in line with the Pop Art movement of the early nineteen eighties, it is not really too much of a stretch to make the case that The Nameless City should be considered as one of the very best works of the late nineteen eighties. But despite that accolade, the very best aspect of The Nameless City is the way that Bastian Schweinsteiger executes his vision through images. From the bland, almost clinical nature of the art to the highly charged, almost celebratory nature of the imagery, the work exudes the vibrancy that is so often lacking in so many of the more mainstream works from this era. The Nameless City is a work that is inimitably its own creature, and while at first glance it might appear to be nothing more than schlocky gonzo, it is in fact so much more than that. It is a truly fantastic achievement, and one that everyone who sees it should enjoy.
All things considered, The Nameless City by Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr user should be considered essential viewing for all people who want to understand how the mind of Robert Rauschenberg reaches such perfectly muddled and dense images. It is also one of the better things that any person should ever do, because once you have sat down with The Nameless City, you will have closed your eyes and you will see all of the colors and every detail that is outlined in this masterpiece. There is something so genuinely comforting about this piece that even years later, when the sight of it still makes you smile, you will feel as though you have done something profound and worthwhile, even if you haven't quite put it into words. For anyone who doesn't have a thing for art, but enjoys good literature or the visual arts, then The Nameless City by Bastian Schweinsteiger is a must-see. For those who love them and want to explore their imaginations, it is as close as any bookstore or internet cafe.
Bastian schweinsteiger Tumblr – image #6 on Favim | Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr |
Bastian Schweinsteiger – Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr | Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr |
Bastian schweinsteiger Tumblr Deutschland fußball, Deutsche – Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr | Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr |
The Bastian Schweinsteiger Gossip Corner – Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr | Bastian Schweinsteiger Tumblr |