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How I Successfuly Organized My Very Own Chrysanthemum Painting

As a chrysanthemum (or desert plant) fan, I've often thought of chrysanthemum as having “fiery” colors and a “fire” in its spout. I was thinking about how much “fire” a paint can have when thinking about the chrysanthemum plant. Well, it's a safe assumption that most can – there really isn't any such thing as a pure chrysanthemum or a “pure” chrysanthemum. There are just many varieties with various strengths and weaknesses.

As you may know, chrysanthemums are one of nature's most stunning plants. In fact, it's a shame that it doesn't live longer on our earth. However, it does endure the test of time by being able to withstand harsh elements such as sand storms, dry winds, and even desert heat. But the key to making a long lived chrysanthemum is by ensuring that you don't overcook or under-cure the chrysanthemum. While chrysanthemums thrive in high humidity conditions, you don't want to over-cure them as they will not live very long either.

In my experience, chrysanthemums do best when you start off by only painting the base, and work your way up from there. By only painting the base and allowing the green chrysanthemum foliage to “bounce back” a bit before applying the top coat, you'll be able to really capture the “wow” factor. Don't worry; there are no special techniques involved. Just a few quick brushes to add drama to the finished piece. And if you get stuck, I recommend doing a search online for some tips and tricks on chrysanthemum painting.

Now, you'll have to take into account the season that you're working in. If it's fall, expect cooler temperatures and drier air. For spring, things will warm up a bit. Generally, chrysanthemums are somewhat sensitive to changes in temperature, so it's important to consider that when planning your scheme. You may want to invest in a small, not very expensive, thermometer.

The next step in chrysanthemum painting is to prepare your canvas. Most people like to lay their chrysanthemum foliage flat on a canvas with a mat board underneath so that the leaves don't stick together. That way, you can easily paint over bleached areas with a bright white color! If you're not interested in painting the leaves flat, then just remember to take a palette with you. It makes it much easier to mix paints and apply the right one!

Another thing to think about when it comes to chrysanthemum painting is texture. When you're painting a full Chrysanthemum, there are many different types of imperfections in the leaves that can be used to convey different feelings. For instance, there is a fine line between a smooth, dull piece of grass and a fuzzy, webbed one. Think about what kind of effect you're trying to achieve, and then choose the texture that works best for you!

Finally, think about the borders as well as anything else on the canvas. A border is not only a great way to add depth to your painting, but it also gives your finished product a beautiful touch of class. It's always a good idea to work around the chrysanthemum foliage a bit in order to get a good feel for how you want everything to look. If you're not sure about the borders, don't worry-chrysanthemum leaves are quite forgiving when it comes to being made to look crooked!

As was mentioned above, these tips are just a few of the many that you will find helpful in Chrysanthemum painting. If you need additional help, or if you're having troubles applying the tips that you have learned, don't be afraid to seek out assistance from an art therapist. They're trained to help you achieve the desired results in as little time as possible. With a bit of patience and work, you can create a stunningly beautiful work of art using chrysanthemum, too!

Chrysanthemum Flower Gouache painting // Flower Calendar 3 – Chrysanthemum Painting | Chrysanthemum Painting