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Oil Pastel Art

When you want to decorate with art, one of the easiest and most affordable methods is using oil pastel art. Oil pastel artwork doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg and it's perfect for just about anyone. It is also very easy to use as well. You don't have to have the oil pastel art pastel brush or any type of oil pastel supply in order to be able to create some amazing oil pastel art work of your own. The following are a few tips that will help you get started on creating your own oil pastel art work.

For first layer, I recommend that you place a darker color on the top layer then work your way to the lighter colors. Most oil pastel art kits come with a second layer that you can use to work with. Use the darker color as a base so that you can work around that with lighter colors in the following layers. Oil pastels are most effective when you work with two to three colors and you always want to work with a heavier pressure on the lower layers to make sure that they stick together.

After the first layers are dry, you can start to blend the colors and work your way from lightest to darkest. To blend the colors, you use a combination of cotton swabs and chalks or a blending brush. Blending in the different color on the layers is important because you want them to work together as one but still have that old school texture to them. Some may even want to add more color on top of their blend oil pastel layers for a unique look. For most of your paintings, I recommend keeping your oil pastel artwork as is as you will eventually run out of different color choices.

If you are going to use oil pastel sheets, then you should take the time to wash and dry them properly before you begin applying any colors. Pastel art sheets generally need more attention to detail when it comes to drying. This is especially true if you are using acrylic paints which can be damaged by high humidity settings. Using a humidifier in a room with an oil pastel painting can help to alleviate some of the humidity so that your painting stays nice and dry.

There are many different types of pastel paints that you can choose from but there are also specific pastel pigments that are available. You will find that oil pastel pigments are available in the basic white, green and pink tones as well as more exotic colors such as turquoise and blue. As you experiment with these different colors, you can blend well to create wonderful effects. However, do not get too carried away because it is important that your blending tones compliment the main color that you selected for the canvas.

The technique of working with oil pastel texture paints is to create wide sweeping areas of color on the canvas and then blend these colors into the background to give your painting depth and dimension. If you are not careful about how you distribute the colors you will find that when all is said and done, you have created a blended hue that does not look real because it lacks contrast. If you want your painted work to come alive, then you must pay attention to how you apply the colors and you must also pay attention to how you choose the tones that you use.

You can use pastel stamps to create interesting borders or you can use a variety of other tools to create interesting patterns on your canvas. You can use pitting tools to create a variety of designs and patterns on the canvas. However, don't stop there. It is also very easy to use pastel dots or chalks to create a variety of effects. As you experiment with different tools and techniques you will begin to learn how to create a large variety of different patterns on your surfaces.

When I started out I was still trying to learn how to work with soft pastels. I knew that I liked the softer pastels so I stuck with it but once I mastered the techniques of creating scumbling, feathering and gluing up, I knew that I would always want to jump to something that was a little harder. Oil pastel art has given me the chance to do just that. Soft pastel art gives me wonderful opportunities to create interesting designs and I love learning new techniques that I can use to create new looks on my work. I hope that this information has helped you to become more knowledgeable about oil pastel drawing and I wish you much success as you continue your education in this fun and rewarding medium.

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