Cold Wax Medium Painting
The Gamblin Cold Wax Medium is created from natural pure beeswax, in its original form. Formulated into knife-like consistency, it creates very thin, translucent oil paints. It is used to create Gamblin molds and Gamvar thinner. It is also applied as a liquid paint alone, as a matt varnish.
One of the advantages of using the cold wax medium is that it dries relatively quickly, which allows you to paint on it without the risk of it getting 'cured' or frosted over. This is great for people who need to get a large amount of paint on the surface of the subject they are painting. Many artists prefer the use of this type of medium because it is less messy than other traditional mediums like oils or acrylic paints. The beeswax used in the cold wax medium is a by-product of the honey production process, hence the bees are safe with this type of painting technique.
The beeswax used in the cold wax medium painting techniques have been processed to convert it into a solid compound, rather than a liquid, making it ideal for creating intricate textures and fine detail. This makes it ideal for reproducing wood, stone and ceramics. The beeswax is extracted from the stems of the wax flowers by means of a cold process, and then it is purified and converted back into a usable component for painting. The quality of the wax does vary depending on the source, but the process used makes it highly valued as an art accessory.
Using cold wax medium to paint is often referred to as 'waxing'. This is due to the fact that the components are transformed into a solid, but it can also be converted into a semi-solid form. There are different types of solvents that can be used when painting with cold wax medium; a particular type of solvent called 'epoxy' is very commonly used. The main disadvantage of using this type of solvent is that it leaves behind a residue on the surface of the artwork after it is dried. This residue can hinder the potential of shining of the artwork, if not removed before drying.
Another disadvantage of using cold wax medium is that it is difficult to apply correctly, as the pigment is not soluble in water. This type of paint is most often applied with a brush, which has to be dipped into the compound. The pigments tend to bond better to the brush than to any other medium, which is why you need to be careful when using them. This compound is also much more fragile than oil paint, so if you are not experienced at working with thinner materials, you may find it difficult to work with. In addition to being difficult to apply correctly, ciws have a tendency to 'go off' in the heat, meaning they are unable to be layered with thinner paints over time.
A common alternative to ciws is Encaustic medium, which can be moistened with water, but can also be thinned with mineral spirits or turpentine alcohol. Because Encaustic medium is generally harder to work with than cold wax medium, many artists opt to mix their own ingredients to make it even easier to apply. When mixed with acrylic paint, the ingredients form a thicker compound than ciws or any other medium; this thicker consistency makes the paint easier to apply to the canvas. The resulting paint appearance is typically cleaner and smoother than acrylic paint, as well as more durable and resistant to yellowing.
Because there is not a great deal of flexibility in the way the pigment reacts to the air and the elements, it is important to pay attention to the instructions for use of your encaustic medium. In addition to using thinner layers of paint over the wax during the process, you should also prime the surface of the painting before you apply the wax. Primeing your painting surface will help ensure that your pigment will have a better chance to absorb into the paint and create an even color. In addition to protecting the surface of the painting from the elements, a prime also allows you to create an even layer of paint which means your work will dry at a faster rate.
Beeswax can sometimes be expensive and is often found in hardware stores, art supply stores, and craft shops. For artists working on a tight budget, it is possible to create your own beeswax painting medium. For this procedure, you will need one part beeswax and three parts oil paint. To create this paint medium, you will combine one part beeswax with one part oil paint and let it dry for one hour. Next, you will place it in the oven at 300 degrees and allow it to dry. Finally, you can place the painting in your frame and enjoy its beauty for years to come.
Introduction to Oil Paint with Cold Wax Medium Workshop – Fivesparks – Cold Wax Medium Painting | Cold Wax Medium Painting |
Cold Wax Painting with Gamblin Cold Wax Medium – Cold Wax Medium Painting | Cold Wax Medium Painting |
Technique; Making your own Cold Wax medium – Sally Hirst – Cold Wax Medium Painting | Cold Wax Medium Painting |
Sally Hirst Compares Cold Wax Mediums – Jackson’s Art Blog – Cold Wax Medium Painting | Cold Wax Medium Painting |
Cold Wax Painting with Gamblin Cold Wax Medium – Cold Wax Medium Painting | Cold Wax Medium Painting |