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6 Gigantic Influences Of History Of Art Notes

For the history of art student, a good test preparation regimen should start with mastering the history of art notes. In my experience, I've found that some students are either too lazy or too impatient to spend time on this portion of the test. When a student falls in the first category, he or she may decide to skip an entire year's worth of studying and instead elect to go straight into the exam with all of their answers already memorized. The second category is the impatient student, who by this stage realizes that the essay section of the exam must be taken seriously and that time is not on the student's side if they want to ace it.

I've seen this scenario so many times that I can't even count the number of times I heard, “Well, geez, I know I've heard this before, but we're going to have to take the essay section now and write the essay ourselves!” Unfortunately, this particular example doesn't help the history of art teacher out very much. Now, I'm not saying that the history of art teacher shouldn't prepare for his or her students to write their own essays, but it's important for the teacher to allow the student to do this as well. There are still some fundamental reasons why this essay is still so vitally important to any exam.

If you look at this type of marking system, you'll quickly realize that the essay has three main purposes in most schools: (a) to demonstrate your critical reading and writing skills; (b) to demonstrate your understanding of color categories; and (c) to show your sense of aesthetic reasoning. In other words, the essay is all about you and what you have to say. It's a chance for you to stand out from the crowd and make a statement. Unfortunately, a great deal of students still haven't grasped this basic principle.

So how should a good art history essays help you ace a test? Like a good lawyer or doctor does, they should focus on what you can prove and nothing more. If you can prove something based on solid logic and evidence, then by all means do so. If that proof can't be found, however, just write it down in the margins and come back to it later. Remember, though, that your essay won't look very good if you include lots of small print, numbered points, etc., unless you're willing to throw out everything else and include that bit of information.

Remember, too, that the essay isn't really about you. Students are looking at a history textbook and trying to understand it, so they're not really interested in what you have to say. They're more interested in what the writer has to say about the book. So if you can prove something insightful and well-organized, that's great. If you can find valid flaws or problems with the work, even better. The essay part of the assignment is to show the reader what you've learned by your approach to the subject.

Remember also, though, that there's a time and place for writing an essay like this. This might not be a particularly enjoyable project for some, and if you're used to writing personal papers, it might seem like a waste of time to you. But history is big and it needs to be taught, so why not do it in the most organized and interesting way possible? Essays like these are the perfect example of how a student's understanding of a particular time and culture can be improved through the use of specific research and evidence.

Finally, don't forget that you don't need to use your own name in your essay. You may have a friend who is knowledgeable in this field and would be glad to get an introduction to the topic from you. You might also consider using a note pad or note book to jot down research points as you learn them. After all, what you're presenting as a history of art piece is as much a testimony as anything else. It should be written in a way that will show not only your knowledge but the general knowledge of others as well.

When it comes to this form of history of art, there are two schools of thoughts: those who believe that everything that was created by man was a creation of God and those who believe otherwise. Obviously, there's no real difference between the two. Man's interaction with the world around him has had a profound effect on its development over time. Man's art, of course, does come into play when he works with his tools. But again, when it comes to this subject, remember that it all started with the basics, and as such, should be treated as such.

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