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Romantic Art

Romanticism is an artistic, philosophical, theatrical, and musical movement which originated in Europe toward the end of the eighteenth century, and from its inception was in its death-throdden phase by the mid-nineteenth century. It is one of those concepts which, though it has become vague through time, has a strong core of meaning and relevance for each generation. Its ethereal quality is attributable to its strong Romanticist underpinnings. Romanticism as a philosophy is relatively recent in origin; its development occurred around the time of Pope Innocent III's Nerona Code, when artists and poets responded to the growing unrest among the middle class by producing works ideal for this time and place. Aesthetic necessities motivated these works and romanticism became fashionable.

The central theme of Romanticism, as expressed by its practitioners, is an ideal of happiness and romance, which is why the works of such artists as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Albert Einstein, Edouard Vien, Donatello, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Renoir, Manet, Giotto, Monet, appreciated and which still are sought after by lovers and artists alike are often called 'Romantic'. Deservedly so, since romantics conceived of a heightened state of emotional and mental awareness and ecstasy, which later gave way to the idea of artistic creation. Some were in touch with mystical ideas, but romanticism emphasized the visual aspect, which gave way to the expression of feelings in art. The Romanticists' works exude an aura of idealism is associated with high fantasy and mysticism.

The aesthetic sensibility of the Romanticists is reflected in their choices of subjects like nature, religion, love, beauty, childhood memories, warfare, madness, puberty, gardening, architecture, literature, music, science, medicine, and technology. They conceived of an aesthetic balance through which the aesthetic values of reality could be experienced. This balance is portrayed in natural landscapes like fields, woods, hills, lakes, waterfalls and the countryside. In a number of examples from the Romantic period paintings like Mademoiselle de Scudery, The Arrival of the Sun, The Seasons, The Dance of Figurines, The Courts of Sleep, The Sleeping Beauty, The Moon and Stars, The Seasons, The Dance of Statues, The Starry Night, The Water Garden, The Seasons, The Beaches, The Terracotta Warriors, The Lovers, The Starry Night, La Primevere, The Virgin and Child with Six Saints, The Calla Lily, Adoration of the Lake, Adoration of the Rock, Adoration of the Stones, are perfect examples of the romantic period art.

Another group of romantic artists were inspired by the real-life events that happened around them. Some of these are George Catlin, Mary Cassatt, Jacobetti, Joseph Cornell, William Blake, Edgar Degas, Paul Gauguin, Max Mara, Peter Shippert, and Daniel Defoe. All these artists express their thoughts in some way about love and romance through their art. Catlin's beautiful illustrations are like a tour de France for the mind. He captured nature as if it was in still life. His paintings turn you on to the real wonders of nature.

A French Romantic painter named Caspar David Friedrich showed an immense interest in natural beauty and he spent much time in the country side painting beautiful scenes that included nature in all its forms. Friedrich's favorite subjects were nature, flowers, birds, fish, trees and the countryside. He made pictures of lakes, meadows, forests and the countryside. In one famous work entitled The Bridge at Meursault, the watercolor and oil paints show a lovely scene of a small boat coming across the bridge as if it's being crossed by the calm waters of the Meursault River. Another famous oil painting entitled The Bridge at Angier is a beautiful scene of a couple kissing while standing under the stars in the countryside.

Another great romantic artist named Caspar David Frye lived and worked in the beautiful English countryside near the town of Tintern Abbey. He created many works of art in the area and this included such famous works as The Glasser and The Battle Cross. One of his most beloved subjects was the life of Queen Elizabeth. In his painting entitled The Queen (painted between 1769 and 1771), Frye depicted her reign in the delicate, romantic strokes of a master artist.

American Romantic artists include such talented people as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Frida Kahlo and Thomas Cole. Longfellow is well known for his large and bold paintings which are filled with bright colors and life. Kahlo painted beautiful landscapes in vibrant tones of orange and red. Cole showed many scenes of water and nature and these are available in his watercolor and oil paintings called The Awakening.

Paintings by Thomas Coel are also very impressive and can be found in any home. These incredible artists have created some of America's most beloved landscape paintings. These include The West Coast by Thomas Coel, Sunset at the Banks by Thomas Coel, Desolation Love by Thomas Coel, Cloud and Sea by Thomas Coel, Lake view at Gatlinburg by Thomas Coel, The Chasm of the Colorado by Thomas Coel, Valley of the Infinite Sun by Thomas Coel and many more. One can easily see why these American Romantic artists have become such big fans and favorites. A complete list of these wonderful artists would include: Robert Rauschenberg, Kenneth Noland, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mary Cassatt, Dorothea Lange, Frank Lloyd Wright, whimsy, impressionism, impressionist, art nouveau and many more.

Art, Beauty, and the Divine – 3 Key Facts About German Romanticism – Romantic Art | Romantic Art

The 3 Most Romantic Lovers Depicted In Art – Romantic Art | Romantic Art

Romanticism – Wikipedia – Romantic Art | Romantic Art